
Bringing Savings & Investments to mobile

KBC-Mobile is the mobile banking app that allows users to conduct their day-to-day banking, with their pocket-sized bank. The mobile banking app is one of the most innovative Belgian banking apps, allowing to conduct mobile payments, withdraw money at a cash dispenser without using your bankcard, and synchronise your account balance to your smartwatch.

What I did

User Research

I conducted usability studies to identify user needs and issues, and validate new design proposals.


I organised creative sessions with fellow designers to come up with new features and solutions that would cater for the user needs.


I hosted workshops to conduct the competitors' analysis, bring the data together, and map the business process, and plan further actions.


I facilitated a co-creation workshop with 14 participants to identify their user needs, and collaborate with them on solutions.


Clients want to have access to all their day-to-day banking features on mobile, and the landscape is shifting to a mobile-only approach. To cope with this, KBC had to expand the features of their mobile banking app. One of the next steps was adding sales processes for savings products, and a new overview for the Savings and Investments section.

User requirements

How much am I worth?

We wanted to offer a Savings and Investments view that gives the user an overview of their current savings capital. I moderated a workshop with 14 users, to find out what a current savings capital means to them, and which products they would include. We also asked them about current behavior when conducting banking business on a mobile phone. This workshop gave us a very good idea of how we would have to build up our new savings overview.

To improve the quality of sales processes, we needed to simplify the existing sales processes that were being used on the website and desktop/tablet versions of the banking apps. We conducted a competitor’s analysis, and carefully evaluated the steps and information KBC required, and challenged business parties to keep required information to the bare minimum.


As a solution, we introduced the Savings and Investment section in KBC-Mobile. We provided a clear overview of available savings and investments products, based on the user’s mental model of savings and investments. We provided overviews, and allowed the users to consult product details, and conduct some transactions. Additionally, we plugged in commercial processes, allowing the user to open new savings products.

Dashboard Concepts

Showing clients what they're worth

The main focus of the research in this project was on the hypothesis that users want to know in one view how much savings and investments they have. We were looking to answer the user's question "How much am I worth?". I came up with some concepts to visualize their savings assets. Unfortunately this section of the project got postponed, due to the bank's backend not being ready. I took up this section of the app again, but fitted it in the ongoing redesign project, which will be released in the near future.